Tuesday 25 October 2016

Menu For today

Ginger Chicken Porridge Recipe

Oh My Ghost_Ginger Chicken                             
– Thinly sliced chicken (white meat works the best)
– Fresh ginger root, cut into slices and/or strips
– Romaine lettuce, cut into strips
– Leftover white rice (or uncooked rice, if not pressed for time)
– Salt, for seasoning
– Scallions, for garnish
 Oh My Ghost_Ingredients                            Step One: Fill a small pan with water, turn on high heat, and drop the ginger in. (That way, you’ll really get the benefits and flavor of the ginger.)
 Oh My Ghost_Porridge1                                           Step Two: Immediately add the rice. (You’ll want to estimate putting less rice than you would normally eat since the rice will “swell” the longer it is cooked.)
 Oh My Ghost_Porridge2                                           Step Three: Wait for it to boil, then bring it down to a slow simmer on low heat.
 Oh My Ghost_Porridge12                            Step Four: Carefully watch over the porridge as it simmers to a nice and thick consistency, stirring occasionally to avoid the rice sticking to the bottom of the pan.
 Oh My Ghost_Porridge7 
Step Five: Add the thinly sliced pieces of chicken. (To make sure it’s cooked thoroughly, separate any slices that may have stuck together by stirring and gently mixing. If needed, add a small amount of water to avoid a porridge that is too dry.)

Oh My Ghost_Porridge8 

Step Six: When the chicken is thoroughly cooked, season the porridge with a simple dash of salt to your preference. Stir gently.

Oh My Ghost_Porridge10 
Step Seven: Toss in the strips of romaine lettuce. Once it’s gently stirred in, immediately turn off the heat. (Otherwise, it will wilt and turn yellow.)

Oh My Ghost_Ginger Chicken 
Step Eight: Carefully transfer your delicious porridge into a bowl and garnish with a pinch of scallions if preferred.
Eat And Enjoy ! :p

 This porridge has always filled me with warmth and is an insta-cure for any of my symptoms. It’s simple, light, and delicious! I hope that your smile is as beautifully tender as Na Bong Sun’s on your first bite and that it’ll bring you fond memories of the characters we’ve all come to love in “Oh My Ghost.”

Monday 24 October 2016

My Neighbor cat .. Meawww

Okay niy maybe first time Buat Post haha, okay .. saya start dulu citer ehh, sebelum niy saya tinggal di sarawak and then family buat keputusan untuk pindah ke semenangjung...katanya senang tak payah nak beli tiket flight untuk pergi ke semenangjung or sarawak, ayah saya duduk selangor and mak saya orang sarawak.. and then masa bulan 11 tahun lepas kitaorang dah packing2 barang dah ...masa tu fuhh sedihh sangat sebab nak tinggalkan umah yang dah duduk kat situ selama 8 tahun...malam last tu macam tak percaya je nak tinggalkan umah tu, rasa nak angkut umah tu ada gak haha..
Keesokan harinya sampai ke Kuala Lumpur, sampai laa umah sewa kitaorang kat kajang...sedih beb tgk umah sewa tu hahaha :') dinding berconteng2, dah laa umah kecik ada 3 bilik and 2 bilik air, dah laa kitaorang ada 7 org .. parah parah hahaha... So lepas letak barang and then Kemas satu rumah..tengah Kemas tiba2 ada bunyi Miaw2 depan Pintu, hahahha..

 Wahh kucing sape niyy ...geram pulak tengok hahaha, rasa nak gigit pon ada, lepas habis kemas satu umah...saya pon pergi kedai n beli makanan utk si kucing tu, bila saya tiba depan gate umah.. dari mana tah dia lari laju pergi ke rumah kitorang then miaw2...alahai comel nyee kucing niyy dah laa bulu lebat,rasa nak pelok sekuat2 jee .... setiap pagi bila buka pintu , dia dah ada depan pintu .. hahaha menunggu di  depan pintu ... miaw2 kelaparan.. stiap hari dia datang umah, lama lama dia mcm keluarga kitorang..
Satu hari tu dia attack kaki mama saya hahaha and scratch ..mama apa lagi marah laa ngan si kucing tu, bawa dia kluar umah..esoknyaa..dia tak dtng..kitorang pon hairan ..sblom niy asyik datang , harini tak datang umah.. maybe dia merajuk kot kata mama hahaha, kucing pon ada perasaan woo hahaha...kena marah terus tak nak dtng ...dln 2 hari dia tak dtng... kitorang rasa sunyi tanpa dia..cari2 pon tak jmpa..sedih rasanyaa :'( mlm tu tiba2 bunyi miaw2 depan pintu.. smua orang menjerit happy sbb dia dtng balik then mama pon say sorry to cat... kucing tu buat muka 10sen jee hahahaha
Last kitorang cadang bagi dia nama Mrs Ching hahaha..